
Spain from the air

I recently spent a week in north-east Spain flying my little plane around Catalonia, Aragon and Navarre. I was blown away by the beauty, wildness, emptiness and variety of the landscape. I had only known the coasts and the Pyrenees before and I hadn’t appreciated how, relative to the rest of Europe, industry and war have made little impact on its medieval cities. I can’t wait to go back.

Catalonia on the way to Teruel 

The Ebro River 


The high plateau of Aragon


Between Teruel and Castellón on the coast 

The beach by Castellon on 14th January 

Ager - on the border between Catalonia and Aragon just below the Pyrenees 


This crucifix marks the spot where the Christians were victorious over the Moors in the 8th Century

Over the high Pyrenees between Aínsa-Sobrarbe in Aragon and Pamplona in Navarre

Between Pamplona and Zaragoza in the Ebro Valley 

Between Zaragoza and Barcelona 


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