
Computer Passwords

Website: Sorry that password has expired - you must register a new one.

User: Did anyone discover that password and hack my computer?

Website: No, but your password has expired - you must get a new one.

User: Why then do I need a new one as that one seems to be working pretty well?

Website: Well, you must get a new one as they automatically expire every 30 days.

User: Can I use the old one and just re-register it?

Website: No, you must get a new one.

User: I don't want a new one as that is one more thing for me to remember.

Website: Sorry, you must get a new one.

User: OK, roses

Website: Sorry you must use more letters.

User: OK, pretty roses

Website: No good, you must use at least one number.

User: OK, 1 pretty rose

Website: Sorry, you cannot use blank spaces.

User: OK, 1prettyrose

Website: Sorry, you must use additional letters.

User: OK, 1fuckingprettyrose

Website: Sorry, you must use at least one capital letter.

User: OK, 1FUCKINGprettyrose

Website: Sorry, you cannot use more than one capital letter in a row.

User: OK, 1Fuckingprettyrose

Website: Sorry, you cannot use that password as you must use additional letters.

User: OK, 1FUCKINGprettyroseshovedupyourassifyoudon'tgivemeaccessrightfuckingnow

Website: Sorry, you cannot use that password as it is already being used

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