Wednesday 22 April 2020

Silent Spring

During the lockdown there has been many mentions of a Silent Spring - a phrase that has sinister connotations of a post-apocalyptic world of empty streets and newspaper blown around deserted playgrounds. We’ve all seen the films. 

But that is not how it feels - the opposite in reality. In the countryside birdsong has replaced traffic noise and blue sky the criss-cross of vapour trails. Helicopters, which have an aural footprint so much wider than their implied size, no longer clatter across the consciousness. In towns you hear conversations not motorbikes. You can walk along a country lane with a dog and hardly ever see a car. 

It’s not sinister. It’s beautiful. Remember it.

Tuesday 14 April 2020

South Africa - a sad waste

South Africa - a sad waste
This chart surprises and shocks. It surprises in the extraordinary economic success of so many African countries (these figures are pre-Coro...

Toughening up

Toughening up
There has been much talk about wartime spirit of late - common danger faced with a heightened sense of community. The one thing that hasn’t ...
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