Sunday 24 January 2016


The thought of traveling to an industrial estate in Zurich to commit suicide could only have been invented by JG Ballard - it's surreally dystopian.

Almost comic too. A youngish man with a terminal illness went with his family to Dignitas to finish it off. They were in the bedroom having a last conversation when the nurse came and suggested that the time was nigh. Could I have a bit more time? asked the young man. The nurse looked at his watch and shook his head. The next one's due in twenty minutes I'm afraid...... 

Friday 22 January 2016

Brexit - the 'gotcha' clause

Brexit - the 'gotcha' clause
If you asked most people – probably nearly everybody – what the format of a Brexit would look like, they would describe a 'smoke-filled ...

Monday 11 January 2016

Sunni and Shia

Sunni and Shia
This is a very clear and susinct explanation of the historical differences within Islam from the FT. Sunni and Shia: explaining the divide H...

Chewing gum (grumpy old man)

Chewing gum (grumpy old man)
All around South Kensington tube station (and on every urban pavement everywhere) there is a patina of chewing gum; enough that there is not...

Saturday 9 January 2016

China's strategy

China's strategy
China can appear to the world as a terrifying monolith with ambitions to dominate Asia and the world. This article makes the point well that...
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