Monday 31 August 2015

Chinese Stockmarket

Is the Chinese Stockmarket a means of raising capital - or a casino. This graph, which shows the collapse in Macau's gambling revenues alongside the opening of new investor accounts in Shenzen and Shanghai tells you all you need to know......


Baltic Adventure Part 2

Baltic Adventure Part 2
We left Tallin on a beautiful Sunday. At Amari airfield the British Typhoon force was packing up to leave and a squadron of US Warthog Groun...

Monday 24 August 2015

Baltic Adventure

Baltic Adventure
Somewhere over the Brecklands of Norfolk and its monochromatic pines, the rain hit us.  Flying through a shower, even when it is torrential,...

Musicians in the post-copyright era

Musicians in the post-copyright era
In the post-copyright age of free downloads musicians can't make a living. Maybe. This article makes the case that the tyranny and arbit...

Tuesday 11 August 2015

What if the UK leaves the EU

What if the UK leaves the EU
If the UK voted to leave the EU it has been pictured as economic suicide - or at least gratuitous self-harm. This article by Wolfgang Muncha...

Monday 10 August 2015

Magnetic North

Magnetic North
The Earth's magnetic field has always been a source of mystery. It was originally thought that it was to do with the Lodestar - the Nort...

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Danish Dress Shop

Danish Dress Shop
Apparently it means 'final clearance'..

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Shoe laces

Shoe laces
Mine always come undone. Or did.  Try, after you have made the loop, taking the other lace the opposite way around the loop. It works. 
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