Saturday 26 July 2014

Applause in theatres

You have been through an hour-and-a-half of emotional manipulation. The playwright, the director and actors have come together to create a work that is of such searing intensity that tears are in your eyes. There is stunned silence as the lights fade to black. The audience is captured, moved and drained.

Bang. Up come the lights. The suicidal heroine is smiling at the applause. The magic is smashed and the illusion shattered.

Why do they still do this?


Another great day at sea

Another great day at sea
I have just finished Another Great Day at Sea by Geoff Dyer, a writer who refuses to be put in any box. He segues between fiction and non-fi...

Wednesday 23 July 2014


Galileo was tortured by the inquisition for holding views on the solar system that the Catholic Church refused to accept. Right? No actually...

Thursday 17 July 2014


The Gallipoli campaign is always painted as folly: folly in a distracting sideshow from the real anvil of the war, the Western Front: folly ...
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